When people get their dentures, they’re often surprised by how strong and stable they are. They may come into our office with the idea that prosthetics are flimsy or unrealistic, and are pleasantly surprised when this is not the case.
It’s taken a long time for dentures to become as efficient as they are now. For millennia people have been interested in replacing their teeth with a prosthetic, and in that time they have changed a lot. If you’re curious, here’s a brief history of the denture.
Ancient Prostheses
People have been replacing teeth for virtually all of human history, but the first instance of something that could reasonably be called “dentures” has been traced back to the ancient Etruscans, sometime around 700 BC. These consisted of real human or animal teeth tied together with gold wire.
These dentures were flimsy, so it’s believed that these oral appliances were used for purely aesthetic purposes.
Teeth of the Enlightenment
Fast forwarding a few millennia, some of the most startling advancements in denture techology happened in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This is the era of George Washington’s famous dentures which, contrary to popular belief, were not actually made out of wood. They were actually constructed from an ivory plate attached to a mix of human and animal teeth.
This is also the era when porcelain dentures were invented. They were developed by a British physician in 1774, though these early models were brittle and unrealistic. Later, these porcelain teeth were mounted onto golden plates, affording them much greater stability.
Modern Tooth Replacement
While porcelain is an excellent material for dental work, it wasn’t especially well-suited to making sturdy dentures. It was also prohibitively expensive for most people. In the mid 19th century, the Goodyear family developed a base for the dentures made from hardened rubber. This material was inexpensive and durable, leading to an explosion in the popularity of dentures.
By the mid 20th century, this had evolved into a version of the acrylic dentures we know today.
Now that you know a little bit more about everything that dentures have gone through to become what they are now, hopefully you can appreciate a bit more what it is that they could do for you.
About Our Practice
At Claybrooke Dental of Gahanna, we pride ourselves on being a truly modern dentist’s office. That isn’t just because we offer the latest in dental technology to our patients; we also offer an experience of oral healthcare completely unlike any other. When you visit our office, you’ll find a dental team that cares deeply about your needs, in an office that will keep you completely comfortable.
If you have any questions about dentures, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (614) 475-1874.